The importance of good garden maintenance

When we speak of maintenance the focus is usually on the house itself – keeping the structure and technical infrastructure of a property to a high standard, as well as the state of the home’s interior and exterior upkeep in general. However, as your garden often surrounds your home or at the very least forms an important part of the living space it offers you, good maintenance of the garden and other outdoor areas is also an integral part of a home’s state of health and its appeal.

This applies to terraces, swimming pools, fountains and outdoor structures, as well as the planted areas themselves. Terraces, covered areas and outdoor structures are essentially part of the house itself, and should be kept in good technical and aesthetic condition in order to maintain their practical and aesthetic appeal, safeguard the home’s value and also make sure it is safe. Good maintenance, above all, avoids possible problems and great expense later on.



Keeping green zones beautiful

Apart from making sure that swimming pools and hot tubs are clean, safe and functional, with pumps and other equipment working well, that there are no dangerously loose tiles lying around or wooden structures falling apart, it also means maintaining the actual garden in good condition, so that is looks at its stunning best throughout the four seasons. You see, each period of the year provides an opportunity to enjoy nature’s splendour in your own home environment.

All of the above applies to all gardens and green zones, but especially if you have spent money to have a beautiful landscaped area created for you by a team of professionals such as ourselves. Once created, it should be maintained, and it really doesn’t cost that much to ensure good, consistent nurturing that keeps your garden from losing its shine.

La Menara not only designs and creates wonderful gardens for public spaces and private homes, we are also available to look after them for you – so contact us for more information and a quotation for maintenance so that you will never have to look at your garden with anything but delight.