ornamental and fundamental items for your garden


Pots not only come in all shapes, sizes and colours, but are produced in many interesting materials:

  • Clay or terracotta: pleasing to the eye but are more delicate than other pots
  • Cast concrete: long-lasting and available in a range of sizes and styles. However, difficult to move and not really suitable for use on balconies. Providing a modern touch!
  • Plastic and fiberglass: lightweight, relatively inexpensive and available in many sizes and shapes, though not natural
  • Wood: a lovely rustic aesthetic, and wood protects roots from rapid temperature swings
  • Metals: use for plants set in shady places as metal conducts heat and can affect plants



About La Menara

The La Menara landscaping team are experts in creating picturesque gardens for private homes, urban public spaces and community developments. If you require information about specific potting ideas or garden design in general then contact us today.